Flight of Fury (2007) (2025)

Flight of Fury (2007) (1)

Flight of Fury (2007) (2)

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Directed by Michael Keusch


A flight plan to freedom...

John, a secret government operative is sent to recover a stolen Stealth Bomber from the hands of terrorist organization which plans to use it in a deadly attack, with warheads containing bio-weapons.

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  • Cast
  • Crew
  • Details
  • Genres
  • Releases


Steven Seagal Steve Toussaint Angus MacInnes Mark Bazeley Ciera Payton Alki David Tim Woodward Vincenzo Nicoli Katie Jones Gary Cooper Bart Sidles Cristina Teodorescu Rares George Panfil Noah Lee Margetts Karen David Daniel Römer Bryan Jardine Vasile Albineț


Michael Keusch


Joe Halpin Vlad Păunescu David Ralph Michal Ravid-Ganot Pierre Spengler Richard Turner


Steven Seagal Joe Halpin


Joe Halpin


Jonathan Brayley


Geoffrey Hall

Executive ProducersExec. Producers

Binh Dang Phillip B. Goldfine Bruno Hoefler Steven Seagal William B. Steakley


Barry Taylor


Steamroller Productions Castel Film Clubdeal


Romania UK USA


Alternative Titles

Black Thunder - Sfida ad alta quota, Szalony lot, Fureur en plein vol, 沈黙のステルス, Flight of Fury - Unsichtbarer Feind, Vol d'enfer, Szalony Lot, El vuelo de la ira, O vôo da fúria, Létající zabiják, Черный гром, Égszakadás, טיסת הזעם, O Vôo da Fúria, Чорний грім, Бесен полет, Juodasis griaustinis, 怒战, Καταδίωξη στον Αέρα, Úder z nebies, Furia en el Cielo, ภารกิจฉีกน่านฟ้ามหากาฬ




High speed and special ops Explosive and action-packed heroes vs. villains Bravery in War Superheroes in action-packed battles with villains Intense combat and martial arts Action comedy and silly heroics Show All…

Releases by Date

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20 Feb 2007
  • Flight of Fury (2007) (3)USAR

20 Apr 2007
  • Flight of Fury (2007) (4)AustraliaMA15+

23 Apr 2007
  • Flight of Fury (2007) (5)Netherlands18

28 Aug 2007
  • Flight of Fury (2007) (6)Italy


22 May 2007
  • Flight of Fury (2007) (7)Hungary12

29 May 2007
  • Flight of Fury (2007) (8)Poland16

27 Oct 2007
  • Flight of Fury (2007) (9)JapanR15+

Releases by Country

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  • Date
  • Country
Flight of Fury (2007) (10)Australia
20 Apr 2007
  • TheatricalMA15+
Flight of Fury (2007) (11)Hungary
22 May 2007
  • Digital12
Flight of Fury (2007) (12)Italy
28 Aug 2007
  • Theatrical
Flight of Fury (2007) (13)Japan
27 Oct 2007
  • DigitalR15+
Flight of Fury (2007) (14)Netherlands
23 Apr 2007
  • Theatrical18
Flight of Fury (2007) (15)Poland
29 May 2007
  • Digital16
Flight of Fury (2007) (16)USA
20 Feb 2007
  • TheatricalR

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Popular reviews

  • Review by Ben Hibburd 36

    Like Balin and the greedy Dwarves of Moria I dug too deep. Deep into the pit of Steven Seagal's direct-to-dvd filmography. Ten minutes into the film and I heard the drums, the drums of the deep, I had no escape, it was coming. A Balrog sized turd was unleashed upon my eyes. Through fire and water. From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak I fought him. Seagal of the Kitchen. The urge to eject the disc until I strayed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead, and every minute of dialogue was as long as a life age of the Earth. But it was not the end. I felt life in me again as the credits rolled. I've been sent back until his filmography is done.

  • Review by Helen_S ★★½ 5

    The first half was a little irritating as there was too much focus on flying around aimlessly rather than Seagal's knife waving, whispery but not yet unintelligible goodness. It got more into that later on tho. My fave bit was the guy in the background completely no selling Seagal's phone performance skills only to then have a terrible OTT phone performance himself. Ahh, fun times.

  • Review by Eddie Dwyer ★★★

    Not bad

  • Review by sipovic ½

    Сигал должен вернуть секретный самолет-невидимку, украденный его учеником.
    Третий совместный фильм Стивена Сигала и доведенного им до пилюль Майкла Кеуша, пожалуй, наиболее стыдный. При просмотре кажется, будто злоумышленник выкрал весь архив видео с самолетами из хранилищ компании Сони и как в мечтах Эда Вуда, решил слепить из этого кино. Авиаматериалы занимают добрую треть от хронометража, ещё треть занимают переговоры каких-то генералов непонятно о чём, ну и оставшееся время оставлено герою и его стройному дублеру. Сигал носит эффектную жилетку рыболова, думая, что он в "Топ Гане", и практически не прикасается врагам, ограничив свою активность тыканьем пистолета в их направлении. Не считая его эффектного лётного костюма, порадовало, что Стивен кинул своего напарника умирать ради тетки, которую он в последствии сможет трахнуть, и…

  • Review by Dawson Joyce ½

    Part XXVI of
    Flounder's Steven Seagalathon

    Although it's probably the least bad of the unofficial Steven Seagal/Michael Keusch direct-to-video action trilogy from hell (the other two being Shadow Man and Attack Force), Flight of Fury is terrible stuff nonetheless, with dumb characters, generic and joylessly dumb plotting, cheap action sequences, and poor direction.

  • Review by Film_Sammlung ★★

    Watchparty mit Justus_

    Steven Seagal macht das Unmögliche möglich er dreht nämlich ein Remake vom Michael Dudikoff Film "Black Thunder - Die Welt am Abgrund".

    John Sands Gedächtnis soll gelöscht werden, da sich seine Abteilung durch Informationen aus früheren Einsätzen bedroht fühlt. Dem gelingt aber die Flucht und nun bietet man ihm an, stattdessen einen streng geheimen Stealth-Bomber zurückzuholen. Der ist nämlich mit einem gefährlichen Kampfstoff geladen, der bald in die Hände von Terroristen fallen könnte.

    Ist natürlich schon mehr als mutig, ein Remake von einem Dudikoff Film zu drehen, das dann sogar noch mehr Stock Footage verwendet als das Original.

    Seagal selbst hat hier auch mal wieder gar keinen Bock und stapft nur so durch das Bild, während er…

  • Review by Alex Leonce

    I thought Seagal playing a professor in Out for a Kill, was fucking dumb, but Flight of Fury takes the cake. I DON'T BUY HIM AS A MOTHERFUCKING PILOT!

    As expected, more cheap, dumb, and dull DTV trash, and ONLY Seagal would co-write the script, in which he views his female partner seducing a female antagonist in a corner.

    The image of Seagull waddling while aimlessly firing a gun is hilarious, but it's no Attack Force, with his wobbly arms up close to the camera.

  • Review by Reilly Pehling 1

    the great auteur and aikido master strikes again. the reveal that seagal himself was watching the inexplicable lesbian sex scene the entire time is on par with any of de palma's great twists

  • Review by RetroArchetype ½

    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    Steven Seagal has made some truly bad movies, but this one is a new level. Wikipedia claims Flight of Fury came out in 2007 but it really feels like 1997 would have been a better fit for the "special effects." You can tell that a lot of the footage of fighter planes they used was whatever stock footage one could find freely available. One launch sequence switches between night and day because they clearly didn't think we'd notice.

    Steven's character (John something?) starts the movie being prepared and escaping from a "memory wipe" curdesy of the US Military, a plot point you'd think was important but just isn't. Speaking of, plot points are picked up and dropped, seemingly at random…

  • Review by Austin Shermer 4

    Film #5 of What Should I Watch?

    Recommended by Kyle

    I just watched 5 direct to video Steven Seagal films in a row. Do I get a medal or something?

  • Review by Wyatt Jones ★★

    I love Steven Seagal. Unironically (though also a little ironically). I will eventually see all of his films. I will eventually own all his films. I will power through every damn one of these things no matter how much they make me want to stop. Sifu Seagal would not stop when the going gets tough. Nor will I.

    Random observations-

    *One of the frustrating things about this era of Seagal's work is that it's a game of craps. You'll occasionally get a seven (Into the Sun, Killswitch) which gives you just enough hope to keep rolling the bones on each new release, but most of the time you get... stuff like this. Crap.

    *Oh boy I hope you like stock…

  • Review by Brian J. "Tyrannorabbit" Wright ★½

    Basically shit, no surprises there. Lots of stock footage from older military action movies, because "stealth jet that's so stealth it turns invisible" is pretty ambitious for this kind of thing.

    But Seagal doesn't look as puffy as he often did in this decade, and occasionally appears on screen with other people. But there's also more of his dialogue that's obviously looped by another actor, though it did sound like the real deal when super cool former military badass guy is asked to explain what his job is and says "I, uh...I travel a lot".

    Other guys get shitty dialogue gold too. "What do you care about those people down there?" says the guy who's gonna drop a nuke on…

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 5243

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.